ITx 2018 Speakers

Keynotes and Speakers for ITx 2018

Check back often - more speakers are being added regularly

Alexia Hilbertidou Keynote

Founder, GirlBoss NZ

Friday 1:40pm - 2:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Not Yet 20: Inside the minds of NZ's next generation of leaders: So what's *really* going on in the minds of Gen Z? Activist, entrepreneur and GirlBoss NZ Founder Alexia Hilbertidou will present an inspiring, funny and surprising insight into the minds of NZ's Gen Z. What are they engaging with online and what do they care about? How will they be… More »

Clare Curran Keynote

Minister of Communications

Wednesday 9:25am - 9:50am, Keynote Presentation

Ministerial opening address: The conference will open with an opening address by Hon Clare Curran, Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media, and Government Digital… More »

Colin Ellis Keynote

Project guru (Melbourne)

Wednesday 9:50am - 10:30am, Keynote Presentation

How to Create an Agile-Ready Culture: In the early 2000s, the answer to failing projects was the widespread implementation of methods, which didn’t yield a single percentage increase in on time, on budget delivery. In 2018, the same mistake is being made with the implementation of agile practices. All of these methods work, yet what never… More »

Doug Kim Keynote

Snr Content Editor, Microsoft (USA)

Friday 9:40am - 10:20am, Keynote Presentation

Can you feel that? Empathy in an A.I. world: In the new age of artificial intelligence and conversational agents, simple language is key. But the most important ingredient today is empathy. Microsoft has been on a years-long journey to make its language simpler, friendlier, and more human. Come and hear from Doug Kim, one of the senior content strategists… More »

Friday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, TechCommNZ

Do I Need a Chatbot?: If you’ve thought about creating chatbots, we’ll discuss how to get your content ready now, and what you’ll need to design content strategies for the future of… More »

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, TechCommNZ

Unconference with TechCommNZ : Gather with Tony Self, Shelly Davies, and Doug Kim - decide what you want to talk about, exchange ideas, and just freewheel TechCommNZ… More »

Dr Amy Fletcher Keynote

Associate Professor, Canterbury University

Wednesday 1:40pm - 2:20pm, Keynote Presentation

AI, Robotics, Ethics and You: Robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and 'Big Data' are just a few of the technological advances that are rapidly changing the kind of work we do, how we interact, and even how we vote. From being 'nudged' to make a purchase or choose a candidate to the possibility of a "social… More »

Greg Sanker Keynote

CIO, Oregon Department of Administrative Services (USA)

Thursday 9:30am - 10:10am, Keynote Presentation

The human side of Digital Transformation: “Digital Transformation” has become the single most overused phrase in the global IT industry. But what does it actually mean for you? Will your job change in the next few years? Is Transformation just another name for what we've been doing for years? This provocative talk by US-based CIO and… More »

Friday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, itSMFnz

How to think like a Customer for IT professionals: Customers think differently about IT than IT professionals. Do your customers feel like IT doesn’t understand them? Want to help your team learn to think like your customers? Dealing with customers is no longer the exclusive domain of Service Desk and Relationship Managers. At the speed of business today, it… More »

Jacqui Maguire Keynote

Clinical Psychologist and Managing Director, Umbrella

Wednesday 4:40pm - 5:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Resilience and mental wellbeing: How to protect you and your staff: Whether in the start-up world or established teams (dev or ops), the tech sector is renowned for high-stress and fast pace. But is this taking a toll on our mental health and how do we protect ourselves and our teams while still getting the job done? Resilience and mental health… More »

Thursday 1:20pm - 2:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Creating a culture of positive mental health and wellbeing: Mental health and wellbeing experts join those with first-hand experience managing their own mental health to talk about how to ensure a workplace culture that supports mental wellbeing in the tech sector. Featuring clinical psychologist Jacqui Maguire and Mindfulness coach Kerene Strochnetter alongside tech education researcher Caitlin Duncan and IT… More »

Julie Mohr Keynote

International speaker and author (USA)

Friday 4:40pm - 5:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Living in the Disruption Economy: Why our customers are screaming for change but we’re not listening: As we progress as a society from the knowledge economy through the disruption economy, our customers are becoming more vocal about what they want and need from their service providers. No longer are customers willing to put up with bureaucratic and lethargic global enterprises who are slow to change and… More »

Kaila Colbin Keynote

Ambassador, Singularity University

Thursday 4:40pm - 5:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Riding the exponential wave of change: What do nanotechnology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and robotics have in common, and, more importantly, what do they have to do with you? Join Kaila Colbin for a startling look at the dramatic implications of exponential technologies and some insight into how we might better prepare ourselves to adapt and thrive… More »

Abhay Chokshi

Technical Communicator, Fraedom

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, TechCommNZ

Unconference with TechCommNZ : Gather with Tony Self, Shelly Davies, and Doug Kim - decide what you want to talk about, exchange ideas, and just freewheel TechCommNZ… More »

Akshay Anand

Product Development Manager, Axelos Global Best Practice

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, itSMFnz

Using Cynefin to make sense of ITSM: Many IT practitioners approach IT service management (ITSM) in their organisations as if it were an ordered system, with clear links between cause and effect. In this presentation, Akshay will discuss how recognising that ITSM operates in a complex system, practitioners can apply methods derived from the Cynefin framework (developed… More »

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, itSMFnz

Learn About The ITIL Update!: Have you heard about the upcoming update to ITIL? Curious to know how the update will reflect modern ways of working? Want to understand how your current certifications will carry over? Join Akshay Anand, Product Development Manager at AXELOS, and one of the Lead Architects of the ITIL update, to… More »

Alexandre Paradis


Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, Agile Day

Unemotional Agile: Emotion – “The instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge” is the result of our individual upbringings, experiences and physiological construct. In this talk, we explore how our individual emotions, preconceptions and intuitions are impediments in our quest to transform into high performing teams. Applying an “unemotional”… More »

Alison Clear

Associate Professor, EIT

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Choosing, Mentoring and Assessing Team Work in Computing Education: Information Technology industry employers consistently stress the need for graduates to have the ability to work effectively in teams. However, most computing curricula places emphasis on a student’s own work. Graduate attributes stress the need for students to have good teamwork and communication skills. Group work/teamwork is one way that… More »

Amanda Santos


Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, ITP

Why We Have to hire Interns And Keep IT Talent In NZ: My name is Amanda and I am one of the few female CEO's in the NZ Tech sector. Before you switch off thinking this is yet another lecture about equality, the subject I want to raise is the lack of opportunities our sector provides to students. There are simply not… More »

Andreas Drechsler

Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

Starting the Digital Journey Safely – Bare Minimum for IT Strategy Development and IT Risk: Two challenges that organisations worldwide currently face are (1) responding to digital innovations threatening their established way of doing business and (2) exploiting, or even creating, digital transformation opportunities themselves. In New Zealand, 97% of all organisations are small with fewer than 20 employees, which compounds their challenges. Outside the… More »

Andrew Dingfelder

Principal Consultant, Planit Software Testing

Friday 11:30am - 12:00pm, ITP

Key Drivers in Successful Continuous Delivery: While DevOps and Continuous Delivery are common buzz words, very little practical guidance is available about getting started. This overview presents a practical overview of Continuous Delivery and DevOps along with an exploration of key attributes such as Quality and Culture which will affect the success of your implementation. Learn… More »

Arthur Valle

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, CITRENZ

Comprehensive learning incorporating Ako – A Tertiary Education Approach at Wintec: This article outlines the design and implementation of a scenario-based approach to teaching and learning in tertiary education, inspired from Ako, adopted at the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). This learning approach, titled ‘Comprehensive Learning (CL)’, aligns with the holistic objective of enabling students with an active, flexible, personalised, authentic… More »

Ayesha Hakim


Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, CITRENZ

Predicting and Improving the Recognition of Emotions: The technological world is moving towards more effective and friendly human computer interaction. A key factor of these emerging requirements is the ability of future systems to recognise human emotions, since emotional information is an important part of human-human communication and is therefore expected to be essential in natural and… More »

Beth Coleman

Knowledge (KCS) Specialist , Catalynk Limited

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, itSMFnz

Enterprise-wide KCS Adoption - a case: Massey University - A Case study: Taking Knowledge Across the Organization In 2016 Massey University ITS embarked on a project that would upgrade their current IT Service Management software and integrate knowledge management processes to better serve their customers. The IT Service Desk, a winner of the highly regarded Massey… More »

Bill Ross


Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, ITP

Moving From Legacy To The Future – Can You Get There From Here?: Many organisations have large, core, mission-critical systems that are often described as 'legacy'. The organisation can't live without them – but for many reasons they find they can't live with them for much longer either. Generally, to 'leave a legacy' was considered a good thing, but in the world of… More »

Brett Moffett

Solutions Architect, Cireson

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, itSMFnz

Taking Out the Trash! Automating basic Service Management tasks: s your organisation ready to automate your end user requests? If you answered yes, this presentation is for you. If you answered no, then this presentation is REALLY important for you! All organisations have their top 10 requests that they seem to repeat on a daily or weekly basis that… More »

Carl Weller

Equinox IT

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, ITP

How To Make Sense Of Your Role As A Project Manager or Sponsor On An Agile Project: As more organisations adopt Agile and allocate people with traditional IT functions onto their Agile projects, the natural question arises – where do I fit? At Equinox IT we particularly see this with the Project Manager role as they move onto projects that also have roles of Scrum Master and… More »

Caroline Paver


Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, ITP

A Key Part of Your Business is Broken - And You Don't Even Know.: One of the most critical parts of your business is broken; worse - its state is Invisible at the CxO level. Project Management is a highly detailed, proceduralised and complex profession that is mostly ineffective except as a record of past failures. 70% of projects are not completed on time… More »

Catherine Caudwell

Post Graduate Programme Director, School of Design

Friday 11:30am - 12:00pm, TechCommNZ

From user experience to user relationship: UX strategies for capturing complex and meaningful… More »

Catherine Snell-Siddle

Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, CITRENZ

Divers IT y: Putting Gender on the Agenda: Diversity creates a more productive, creative and dynamic society, with the Information Technology (IT) industry being one that offers opportunities for innovative, challenging, collaborative, and creative careers. While the diversity issue is not just confined to gender, the low representation of women in the IT industry is at the forefront… More »

CeeDee Doyle

Agile Consultant, Assurity

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, Agile Day

Agile isn't the goal - how to recognise what's going wrong: These days it seems like everyone is implementing Agile or trying DevOps, creating squads and tribes or being SAFe. These ideas are all great, but they are only a means to an end, not the end itself. How do you know if what you're seeing should be expected? It's tough… More »

Chris Curran

Partner, Russell McVeagh

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, ITP

Top 5 Legal Tips When Introducing Tech Innovation: You may thrive with technology or use technology as a defensive tool – either way, the speed at which technology is evolving means we are all constantly introducing new technology innovation into our organisations to keep up with what's next. In this presentation, technology lawyers Mei Fern Johnson and Chris… More »

Cillin Hearns

Director, Leadership & Performance Coach ; Results Coaching

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, PMINZ

The Psychology of Leadership: It has been said that, “We rise to the level of our own incompetence.” The challenge with most of us is that we are not aware of the gaps in our competency or how, for that matter, we can move past them. For this reason, we remain stuck in our… More »

Clare McLennan

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, NZOSS

Saving New Zealand's Birds with Open Source Technology: It's no secret that many of New Zealand's native birds are under threat from introduced predators such as possums, stoats, and rats. The Cacophony Project is developing digital technologies to monitor bird populations and eliminate predators in ways that could be many times more effective than current approaches. The project's… More »

Clare Toufexis

Manager Life Events Services, Department of Internal Affairs

Friday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

Life Events: Transforming Government Online Service Delivery: Service delivery is moving away from simple supplier relationships to ecosystems that connect people. Increasingly, people expect to ‘consume’ public services in the same way and to the same standard as when they interact with digital services in their everyday lives. The New Zealand government wants public services to be… More »

Clarke Ching

Author and One of the Socks at OddSocks Consulting

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, Agile Day

Why the Worlds Third Richest Person Should be your Agile Role Model: Forget Toyota. Forget Spotify. Forget Nokia (who?). If you’re looking for an Agile role model that will last, choose Zara, the Spanish fast fashion retailer. Once you see how their tightly integrated product-development, distribution, and retailing systems work, you’ll never look at Agile the same way… More »

Thursday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, PMINZ

The U-shaped Agile Team: Lessons from a TOC expert on how to execute Agile projects much faster by CHOOSING your team’s bottleneck, rather than leaving it to fate. Your Agile teams’ bottleneck determines their throughput, whether they know it or not. Some bottlenecks are good, some are bad, and some are stupid. Did you… More »

Craig Nicoll

Tutor, NMIT

Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Investigating Best Video Practices for Flipped Classroom: Failed Exercise In Avoiding Work.: In on-going research into creating video content for use for flipped classroom-based instruction. This paper presents an investigation into Muller's (2008) method for creating custom video for flipped classrooms. Muller(2008) showed that current best practices can reinforce common misconceptions of a subject, due to the passive nature of consuming media,… More »

Daniel Merriott

Principal Consultant, BSMImpact

Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, ITP

Where are the Cybersecurity Skills?: Many organisations fail to deliver a comprehensive cybersecurity capability owing to skills gaps. In this session, you’ll explore how to define and assess the skills needed and manage the skills gap to build or enhance your cyber security capability. Achieving maturity in any capability requires understanding the skills required to… More »

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, itSMFnz

Preparing for Service Integration: Daniel will use a case study showing how a client organisation approached a requirement by the parent organisation to establish a SIAM model within their IT group providing Service Integration. This will help demonstrate how SIAM, ISO20K, ITIL and SFIA can be leveraged to help an organisation understand what their… More »

Friday 11:30am - 12:00pm, ITP

Introducing SFIA7: SFIA, the Skills Framework for the Information Age has become the defacto industry standard for describing professional skills in the IT community. SFIA is updated periodically to reflect changes in the IT and digital professions. This talk will introduce SFIA and cover the major changes in version 7, expected to… More »

Darcy Mellsop

Continuous Improvement Coach, Ci Lab

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, PMINZ

Key principles for leaders adopting a continuous improvement approach: Every leader wants the benefits of quick and continuous improvements. Adopting a continuous improvement culture means having an engaged team to discover and gain every advantage, and eliminating today’s problems so they are not experienced again tomorrow. This presentation is rich with case studies and war stories to provide a… More »

David Skelton

Assistant Head of School for Schools of Business, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT)

Thursday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, CITRENZ

From Reference-desk to Help-Desk: The crossover between library services and information technology : New technologies have had a major impact on academic libraries, and none more so than those in the New Zealand Institute of Technology and Polytechnic (ITP) sector. This paper begins by identifying six key technologies trends that have had an impact on academic libraries. These are examined in the context… More »

Friday 11:30am - 12:40pm, CITRENZ

Postgraduate Study at Polytechnics in NZ: Where We Are? What are the Challenges? Where do we go?: The panel will discuss the postgraduate programmes at NZ polytechnics from two perspectives: domestic and international. The discussion for both programmes for domestic and international students will include types of the programmes (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas) and the research component in these programmes. We will discuss what we… More »

Dean Barcham

TPMO Manager, Inland Revenue

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, itSMFnz

How do you make your horse a Unicorn? A practical guide to transforming the way you work: We have all gone back to the office after finishing the phoenix project book or hearing Rob England speak, determined to make a start on this mythical beast called DevOps. As leaders Dean and I were pretty clear we knew what good looked like. But how do you make that… More »

Dobrila Lopez

Principal Lecturer, School of Computing, Eastern Institute of Technology

Friday 11:30am - 12:40pm, CITRENZ

Postgraduate Study at Polytechnics in NZ: Where We Are? What are the Challenges? Where do we go?: The panel will discuss the postgraduate programmes at NZ polytechnics from two perspectives: domestic and international. The discussion for both programmes for domestic and international students will include types of the programmes (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas) and the research component in these programmes. We will discuss what we… More »

Duncan Watson


Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, ITP

A Practical Technical Reference Model: A Technical Reference Model (TRM) is an artifact used by Enterprise Architects to describe the IT standards, specifications and technologies in use by an organisation. It helps organisations keep track of the technologies and applications that are in use; it helps develop roadmaps and replacement strategies and is generally good… More »

Thursday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

Who makes Architectural Decisions?: Whilst it may seem obvious that the Architect makes Architectural Decisions, anyone working on IT projects will realise that there are many types of decisions. There are project decisions, decisions involving the business requirements, architectural decisions, and solution design decisions. There should be a clear demarcation between each of these… More »

Emre Erturk

Principal Lecturer, School of Computing, Hawke's Bay, Eastern Institute of Technology

Friday 11:30am - 12:40pm, CITRENZ

Postgraduate Study at Polytechnics in NZ: Where We Are? What are the Challenges? Where do we go?: The panel will discuss the postgraduate programmes at NZ polytechnics from two perspectives: domestic and international. The discussion for both programmes for domestic and international students will include types of the programmes (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas) and the research component in these programmes. We will discuss what we… More »

Ernie Newman

Ernie Newman Consulting Ltd

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

Health - A Digital Laggard - Diagnosis and Treatment Plan: New Zealand has become a star performer in driving high-speed Internet across the population including increasingly the hard-to-reach rural areas. This infrastructure investment has stimulated leading-edge adoption of digital services in education, government, tourism, and most other sectors of the economy. The stand out exception is health. There are exceptions… More »

Eva Sherwood

Chair, TechWomen

Friday 10:50am - 12:00pm, ITP

PANEL: Where are all the women? Practical advice on supporting women to be successful: Only 23% of the Digital Technology workforce in New Zealand are women. Only 3% of 15 year old kiwi girls even want a career in our industry and globally a staggering 40% of women with STEM degrees leave their careers behind never to return. The New Zealand Government have a… More »

Frina Albertyn

Principal Lecturer, Ara Institute of Canterbury

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, CITRENZ

Expanding Business Intelligence using Internet data: This paper focuses on the identification of readily available data sources on the Internet, to augment the in-house business intelligence systems of a tertiary institute. Organisations are moving into a new environment of data-driven decision making, also known as business intelligence systems. This paper investigates the results of an analysis… More »

Gareth Cronin

Co-founder, Ambit

Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, ITP

Conversational User Experience Lessons: Building a Startup with Tech at the Peak of the Hype-cycle: Conversational user experiences, aka “chatbots”, are mushrooming on the internet. Gartner research reports that "by 2020, we will be having more conversations with bots than with our spouse.” A combination of recently available cloud computing power, commercialisation of artificial intelligence (particularly natural language processing) research, and the rise of social… More »

Guy Kloss

Qrious Ltd.

Friday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, ITP

Kauri ID - A Self-Sovereign, Blockchain-based Identity System: Kiwis can't express their identity digitally and securely across cultural backgrounds, across competitive boundaries. This is an ongoing, permanent problem so far. Yes, there are ways for it, e.g. using RealMe, Google federated identity, etc. But they all have their "warts". Some are expensive or cumbersome to use from an… More »

Hamish Smith

Otago Polytechnic

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, CITRENZ

Mapping the System: Innovation, Technology, Education: There is growing interest in the application of frameworks such as SFIA for describing and managing competencies for ICT professionals and matching the skills of the workforce to the needs of the business. But there is no common overarching model that maps educational processes to such frameworks. Previous work has… More »

Horia Slușansch

Kaizen Artist & Founder of The Agility Collective

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, PMINZ

Agile over two decades: In the nearly two decades since the Agile Manifesto for Software Development was published in 2001, the community of Agile practitioners has learned a lot. This talk highlights some of the key lessons. We’ll explore tweaks to the fundamental values, refinements of the principles, and broader developments involving scaling, organisational… More »

Ian Apperley

Tempest Group Ltd

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

Sun Tzu and the Art of IT Strategy: Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, philosopher, and military strategist who is credited with writing The Art of War. The Art of War was characterised by a small military force defeating a significantly larger enemy. Sun Tzu's strategies can be applied to New Zealand IT Groups and companies. New Zealand… More »

Igor Matich

Founder/Managing Director, Dynamo6

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, ITP

Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud: Artificial Intelligence (AI), with all the associated hype, has taken the corporate world by storm. However, the trouble lies within whether there are enough businesses ready to utilise its power; for a rapidly maturing technology some NZ businesses are struggling to keep up. It is important to remember that the… More »

Isuru Fernando

Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Leader, IBM New Zealand

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, ITP

AI And its Role in The Digital Future of New Zealand: Artificial intelligence is here. It’s now in the real world, used by businesses of all shapes and sizes, all around the globe - and it is squarely on the agenda of both technology and business executives in New Zealand. AI platforms like IBM Watson understand the world in the way… More »

Ivor Macfarlane

Partner, MacfPartners

Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, itSMFnz

Intelligent Disobedience - A service dog idea for service management: As automation and self-service increase, most calls that do come through to front line staff are complicated and exceptions. This means an increasing level of skill required in the front line jobs that remain. (Rob England's Standard+Case approach identifies this and underpins this… More »

Friday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, itSMFnz

30 years in ITSM: totally changed and completely the same: ITSM is about People, Process & Technology. By and large we've got two of them cracked. But despite progress elsewhere we still seem to be on version 1.0 of people. So, after 30 years preaching about the need to see the customer perspective and focus on people, I am still… More »

James Gander

Gander Service Management, Director

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, itSMFnz

Using DevOps when you don't do Dev: In this session, James will explain how the principles of DevOps can be used in any IT department, whether you do development or not, and even in other areas of the organisation outside of… More »

Jamie Vaughan

ICT Manager, Gallaway Cook Allan

Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Continuing Professional Development: Returning to study with Work-Based Learning: In this paper, we describe the processes, actions, thoughts, and mindset of an Xtend/Master of Professional Practice candidate, via a first-hand account of his returning to tertiary education via a Work-Based Learning (WBL) programme. We look at the changes the candidate has made to his overall work practice, in terms… More »

Friday 10:50am - 11:20am, CITRENZ

Learning Frameworks: Practical Application of Self-Assessment Tools: In this paper, we describe the methodology of existing tools for the self-assessment of professional skill sets, from the perspective of a work-based learning student in the IT industry. We consider how the industry is widely non-regulated, with an ever-increasing multitude of potential certification and career progression options but very… More »

Jan Schilt

CEO Founder, GamingWorks BV

Thursday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, itSMFnz

How simulations can increase your ITSM performance: Organisations are always challenging organisational changes. Teams have to adopt new way of working, new teams are formed, new tools are used, new services are going to be deployed. How do we get all employees motivated to take the challenge? How can we develop new competences so employees can deal… More »

Jane Wharton


Friday 10:50am - 11:20am, ITP

Skills And Culture For The Digital Age (Transforming the Transformers): As Jack Welch said: “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near”. What does this mean for the CIO of a professional services company in New Zealand who is trying to move up the maturity curve from commodity… More »

Jannat Maqbool

Project Lead, TechWeek Waikato

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

How to Turbo-Charge ICT in NZ’s Regions: New Zealand’s ICT sector is growing and faces a skills shortage. At the same time, a number of regions are struggling economically and have unemployment well above the national average. This presentation will provide an analysis of these regional differences, and look at options to turn such disparities into opportunities… More »

Jayne Perry

Friday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, ITP

Millennial Leaders: Give Them a Reason to Stay: Millennial leaders are coming. You can either pave the way for them to take your business to the next level or you can be afraid of them and watch them take over the world around you. Millennials are not after the stable 9-5 job with a good salary in middle… More »

Jim Weaver

Pre-sales Engineer, Alemba

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, itSMFnz

Going ‘Paperless’: Enterprise Service Management puts the Customer First. : This presentation will take the form of a case study, detailing how the largest traditional grocer in the United States achieved success in going “paperless” by applying Service Management best practices to the major ITIL… More »

Jocelyn Cranefield

Programme Director, Victoria University of Wellington

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, ITP

NZ's IT Professionals Up Close - Results from the World IT Project: This talk outlines the results of the New Zealand part of the World IT Project, a 40 country survey of IT professionals. What are the top organisational and individual issues faced by IT workers? How do different industries compare, and what part do factors such as career stage influence workers'… More »

Joe Kearns

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, Agile Day

Three Things I'd Do Differently If I Ran Your Company: I get to see a lot of different organisations and different agile implementations in my role. Some are good, some are not so good. The one constant I see is that there are always opportunities for improvement, even in the good ones. This is my summary of the things I… More »

Jon Herries

Group Manager Emerging Health Technologies, Ministry of Health

Thursday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, HiNZ Health

Innovation in Healthcare Technology - making it go faster: Jon will talk about how innovation works (or doesn't) in healthcare technology, his observations of the current barriers, and his team's plan to… More »

Judy Mckay

Planit Software Testing

Friday 10:50am - 11:20am, ITP

Quality is Key: Objective: New Zealand can and should become a world leader in ICT. PMs must ensure we are building software that will meet the needs of the current and emerging markets. Building in quality is key to creating, delivering and maintaining the software that the world needs and will soon demand.… More »

Karen Vincent

Director Sales and Marketing, ACS Data

Friday 10:50am - 12:00pm, ITP

PANEL: Where are all the women? Practical advice on supporting women to be successful: Only 23% of the Digital Technology workforce in New Zealand are women. Only 3% of 15 year old kiwi girls even want a career in our industry and globally a staggering 40% of women with STEM degrees leave their careers behind never to return. The New Zealand Government have a… More »

Kathryn MacCallum

School of Computing at Eastern Institute of Technology, NZ

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, CITRENZ

Supporting Māori Language Learning using Augmented Reality: With the advancement of mobile technology and the recent advances within the field of Augmented Reality (AR), the application of these tools to support language learning in new ways is now becoming a real possibility. However, due to the emerging nature of these ideas, the use of AR to teach… More »

Kevin Shedlock

Information & Technology lecturer, Whitireia Polytechnic

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, CITRENZ

A Conceptual Model of Knowledge Applied To the Indigenous IT Artefact Construction : Whilst there is a number of well-structured works and publications that focus on the assembly of the indigenous IT artefact, limited attention has been given towards involving indigenous practice and processes during construction. This has created a disconnection placing both technology and indigeneity at opposing ends of the continuum with… More »

Kristina Hoeppner

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, NZOSS

Who Creates Open Source Software?: When people commonly speak about open source software development, it is often coders that come to mind of being involved. But who else is responsible for the creation of applications that run our lives online and on our devices? This talk seeks to challenge the notion that it is only… More »

Lana Yakimoff

Principal Consultant, ITSMC

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, itSMFnz

Essence of ESM: Enterprise Service Management is about applying a service oriented Business model to the way your organization works internally. It is about enterprise wide approach to delivering services, Business and IT. Rolling in Business domains into your Service Mgmt. capability is the essence of ESM. Where you have the 1 tool,… More »

Lars Oliver Dam

Massey University

Thursday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

Strategies to Support Interest in a CS/IT Career Among Middle School Students: In most developed countries, the IT sector is unable to attract a sufficient workforce. There are also gender, cultural and socioeconomic inequalities in the workforce. It is uncertain, however, if the educational strategies and initiatives that have been launched lead to a positive change in the sector intake. This presentation… More »

Lawrie Kirk

Business Development Management Australia and New Zealand, APMG International

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, itSMFnz

Service management in the digital world - VeriSM: Change is never ending and the need for organisations to demonstrate agility across the entire business is increasing. Service management is no longer the total responsibility of the IT Department; a successful organisation must ensure that service is a whole of enterprise responsibility and is a capability that supports the… More »

Linda McCarthy

CEO/Principal StrengthsFinder Coach, Chrysalis Education Limited

Friday 10:50am - 11:20am, itSMFnz

Communication Gobbledegook and how to untangle It: Communication is the key to successful outcomes for projects within business. I am sure we will all agree with this statement. When it works, it is fantastic, when it doesn’t, the wheels can fall off the trolley and it can mean penalty payments, projects over-running, knowledge bases out of date,… More »

Lloyd McCann

CEO, Mercy Radiology and Clinics

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, HiNZ Health

Now, near and next: a private healthcare perspective: Perfection and inaction are the enemies: Why and how healthcare organisations must digitally transform. In this presentation Lloyd will explore the drivers for digital transformation in health and successful strategies to embrace digital. He’ll provide practical examples of how private healthcare providers in NZ are moving to digital by… More »

Lori Hand

Public Sector Leader, Global Business Services, IBM New Zealand Ltd

Thursday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, HiNZ Health

Mobile Health – Leveraging AI and Mobile design to Improve Outcomes: Health care doesn’t just occur in the GP’s office. Patients are playing an increased role in enhancing their outcomes by actively participating in, monitoring, and making adjustments to their health regime using their personal mobile devices. Learn about new uses for mobile technology in the management of diabetes, blood pressure… More »

Lou Hunnebeck

Principal Advisor, DXC Fruition

Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, itSMFnz

Outcome-based Reporting for Processes and Projects: Remembering the Why: Process reporting usually focuses on how many and how fast. Project reporting usually focuses on schedule and budget. Important issues to be sure, but do these kinds of metrics really provide business value, or do they simply represent ordinary operational due… More »

Friday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, itSMFnz

Oh, You Meant That? Setting and Managing Expectations: As service providers, one of the biggest challenges we face is in setting and then managing the expectations of our customers. When delivery fails to meet expectations, customers can become frustrated and angry, leading to strained relationships, eroded trust, escalating demands, calls for discounts or penalty payments or even contract… More »

Lynley Lee

Founding Director/Principal Consultant, Peritia Ltd

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, ITP

Digital Threats Create Strategic Opportunities for IT Professionals: “The role of CIO and being a leader as a CIO is changing. It’s about working in partnership with the business, speaking the language of the business, being a leader. You are no longer doing the bidding of others. But [are] the transformers that use technology to lead.” - David… More »

Mark Van der klei

University of Canterbury

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Attracting Māori to the IT Profession: Key factors from the Literature: Statistics show that Māori are underachieving in a variety of nationally based Information Communication Technology (ICT) benchmarks, including IT employment. The purpose of my research is to investigate this from a non-deficit based view to see how IT occupations can be made more attractive to Māori. Therefore the aim of… More »

Martin Gordon

National Practice Lead, Assurity

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, ITP

The Evolution of Testing: The next few years will see incredible changes to our working and personal lives, with digital becoming ubiquitous it will mean current areas that have no software involved in their creation, delivery and operation will significantly change. Literally everything will end up with software as an integral part of its… More »

Mary Proctor

Head of the School of IT, WelTec & Whitireia

Friday 11:30am - 12:40pm, CITRENZ

Postgraduate Study at Polytechnics in NZ: Where We Are? What are the Challenges? Where do we go?: The panel will discuss the postgraduate programmes at NZ polytechnics from two perspectives: domestic and international. The discussion for both programmes for domestic and international students will include types of the programmes (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas) and the research component in these programmes. We will discuss what we… More »

Mary Ellen Gordon

Programme Director, Masters of Info Management, Victoria University of Wellington

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, ITP

NZ's IT Professionals Up Close - Results from the World IT Project: This talk outlines the results of the New Zealand part of the World IT Project, a 40 country survey of IT professionals. What are the top organisational and individual issues faced by IT workers? How do different industries compare, and what part do factors such as career stage influence workers'… More »

Matt Harris

Principal Consultant, Matt Harris Consulting Ltd.

Thursday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, PMINZ

"No "ferry tale" ending: IT Project Management on the Hauraki Gulf": Once upon a time a client presented a brief to a consultant with their desired outcomes, the gaps between as-is and to-be were analysed and a proposal presented. Time was of the essence, so familiar paths were trod where possible, but innovation was required also. The project was initiated and… More »

Maurice Dubey

General Manager Delivery, Quanton

Thursday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

The Rise of Robotic Process Automation in New Zealand: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology used to automate business processes by replicating human actions in systems and applications. Organisations build a workforce of digital robots capable of completing rule-based tasks enabling end-to-end, unattended and autonomous automation, with enterprise security & scalability. As a modern technology, RPA is… More »

Mei Fern Johnson

ICT Partner, Russell McVeagh

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, ITP

Top 5 Legal Tips When Introducing Tech Innovation: You may thrive with technology or use technology as a defensive tool – either way, the speed at which technology is evolving means we are all constantly introducing new technology innovation into our organisations to keep up with what's next. In this presentation, technology lawyers Mei Fern Johnson and Chris… More »

Menno Finlay-Smits

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, NZOSS

Saving New Zealand's Birds with Open Source Technology: It's no secret that many of New Zealand's native birds are under threat from introduced predators such as possums, stoats, and rats. The Cacophony Project is developing digital technologies to monitor bird populations and eliminate predators in ways that could be many times more effective than current approaches. The project's… More »

Mike Roberts

Consulting Partner, Millpond.

Thursday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, PMINZ

You’ve been landed with that project, now what do you do?: IT professionals are constantly lumped with projects, sometimes within areas of expertise, sometimes not. Does that sound familiar? You may know a little about the subject and/or have little spare time; you may not necessarily know all the requirements never mind how to manage the project successfully. PMI’s research shows… More »

Mike Watts

Auckland Institute of Studies

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, CITRENZ

An Overview of Multimedia QoS in SDN-Enabled IP Networks: Although traditional IP networks have been widely adopted by societies and telecommunication services, there are still numerous concerns about them. It is hard to implement predefined network policies and to reconfigure the network to adaptively and effectively respond to network failures, unforeseen network loads, and unexpected changes. Software-Defined Networking (SDN)… More »

Thursday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, CITRENZ

Evaluating Student Support Systems for International Information Technology Students: The academic success of every student is important for any educational institute. This is especially the case for international students, who are often paying high course fees and are adapting to what is often a completely alien education system. When students do fail their courses, it is important that their… More »

Minjie Hu

ICT lecturer, UCOL

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, CITRENZ

A Case Study of Using Scrum in Teaching Software Process: Much research has been published about using Scrum to teach the software development process since Scrum dominated among agile development methods. However, there is no common consensus on the teaching process, specifically how to deal with changes to the project as well as how to assess individual learning in a… More »

Moana Roberts

Delivery Manager, Trademe

Friday 10:50am - 12:00pm, ITP

PANEL: Where are all the women? Practical advice on supporting women to be successful: Only 23% of the Digital Technology workforce in New Zealand are women. Only 3% of 15 year old kiwi girls even want a career in our industry and globally a staggering 40% of women with STEM degrees leave their careers behind never to return. The New Zealand Government have a… More »

Murray Wills

Maxsys Limited / ITPNZ

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, ITP

Seoul Accord Degree Accreditation: A practical session on what is required for Seoul Accord Degree Accreditation lead by the Chief Visit Manager. This session will take you step by step through the requirements from indicating that your tertiary institution wants to be assessed, the paperwork requirements and what happens at the visit… More »

Nataliya Alkhimova

The Knowledge Warehouse Limited (Knoware)

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, ITP

Applying Agile to Analytics and Business Intelligence: What it is like. Why do it. Making it Work.: Agile has been successfully embedded into software development for a number of years now. However, its adoption in the fields of Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Data Warehousing has not been as extensive or successful. Is it because what we do is so different that Agile has no place in our… More »

Nathan Rountree

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, CITRENZ

“Internet of Things” As a Capstone Project: Reflections on an Educational Initiative: In this paper, we describe an educational initiative incorporating the “Internet of Things” (IoT) paradigm into an undergraduate Information Technology course. As IoT technology is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, it is imperative that computing students remain up-to-date with developments in this space. To this end, we guided a group of third-year… More »

Nicolás Erdödy

CEO/Founder, Open Parallel Ltd

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, ITP

The Internet of Things and High Performance Computing: Are They Teaming Up to Work Together?: All over the world, Internet of Things (IoT) devices that support edge computing are being deployed everywhere in cities, factories, and homes. At first glance, IoT and High-Performance Computing (HPC) seem to be opposites. However, big-data analysis, data-driven simulation and modeling, in-situ data reduction, machine learning, and in-situ parallel processing… More »

Friday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

SKA: The Ultimate Big Data Project: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest and most powerful radio-telescope, to be built in remote locations in Australia and South Africa as a combined effort of various countries (ten countries are currently full members of the SKA Organisation). Pre-construction design for the SKA1 (first phase of… More »

Nilufar Baghei

Associate Professor, Academic Leader, Computer Science, Unitec

Friday 11:30am - 12:40pm, CITRENZ

Postgraduate Study at Polytechnics in NZ: Where We Are? What are the Challenges? Where do we go?: The panel will discuss the postgraduate programmes at NZ polytechnics from two perspectives: domestic and international. The discussion for both programmes for domestic and international students will include types of the programmes (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas) and the research component in these programmes. We will discuss what we… More »

Nitish Verma

Principal Consultant & Founder, Essence Networks Limited

Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, ITP

Data Governance in Practice - Integrating with Organisation Decision Making: Data Governance is a strategic response to emerging risks and opportunities that stem from the rapid growth of data and digital business models. Low-cost computing and storage, Internet of Things and the emergence of mega IT vendors create the need for leadership to act on information whilst protecting their organisation… More »

Oras Baker

Southern Institute of Technology

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, CITRENZ

Web Intelligence in Tourism: User Experience Design and Recommender System Case Study: Southland Tou: The Southland tourism industry is flourishing and has benefited from a wide range of markets. Increasing visitor numbers, coupled with welcoming host communities, has driven tourism to become an important industry in Southland region’s economy. However, the number of tourists and travel information existing on the Internet can be overwhelming… More »

Pete Yates

Virtual CIO, Enterprise IT

Friday 11:30am - 12:00pm, itSMFnz

ITSM and Agile a match made in heaven - really?: I will look at practical examples of how I have implemented and used ITSM solutions within an organisation that utilises Agile methodologies - covering tools and processes used as well as lessons… More »

Peter Jordan

Chair, HL7 New Zealand

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, HiNZ Health

Why HL7 FHIR is HOT and SNOMED CT is COOL for Digital Healthcare: A high-level analysis of the need for modern standards to enable the New Zealand Digital Health Strategy and a brief introduction to two of those standards - HL7 � FHIR � and SNOMED CT… More »

Ray Delany

CEO, Designer Technology Ltd

Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, ITP

Be the Disruptor, Not the Disrupted: Most organizations in NZ and throughout the world are at risk from digital disruption. The challenge is that predicting where the disruption is going to come from and what form it will take is nearly impossible. Companies who approach this problem from a traditional IT perspective risk making serious strategic… More »

Rebecca Schasching

Manager Data Warehouse, Dept of Corrections

Friday 10:50am - 12:00pm, ITP

PANEL: Where are all the women? Practical advice on supporting women to be successful: Only 23% of the Digital Technology workforce in New Zealand are women. Only 3% of 15 year old kiwi girls even want a career in our industry and globally a staggering 40% of women with STEM degrees leave their careers behind never to return. The New Zealand Government have a… More »

Rebecca Wilson

Optimisation Lead- People & Process, Inland Revenue

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, itSMFnz

How do you make your horse a Unicorn? A practical guide to transforming the way you work: We have all gone back to the office after finishing the phoenix project book or hearing Rob England speak, determined to make a start on this mythical beast called DevOps. As leaders Dean and I were pretty clear we knew what good looked like. But how do you make that… More »

Renata Pellino-Porter

Director Business and Information Systems, UniServices

Friday 11:30am - 12:00pm, itSMFnz

Shaping the Culture of your Team: We’ve seen the many posts on LinkedIn and other social media about how most employees leave a company due to their manager. However, there is never any practical advice about how to lead teams efficiently and effectively so employees feel valued and want to stay. As a matter of fact,… More »

Renee Stiles

Buddle Findlay

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, ITP

Smart Contracts – What On Earth Are They And How Should They Work?: So-called "smart contracts" have got a lot of press in the last couple of years as one of the more exciting developments that may emerge from blockchain technology. They sound, on their face, attractive. Who wouldn't potentially like to truncate the legal contracting process (or at least make it more… More »

Richard Medlicott

Medical Director, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, HiNZ Health

Introducing the National Care Primary Data System: The national Primary Care Data System, if confirmed, will enable the wider health sector to interrogate data from the patient level for GPs and practice, to the population level for DHBs and ministry of health – enabling better quality outcomes for all New… More »

Ripzem Lepcha

Service Support Manager, Southern Cross Health Society

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, itSMFnz

Developing Customer Centric Service Catalogue: Very often, technology professionals have to hear from their business stakeholders that Services or Products being identified by IT department are technology based rather than having a customer centric approach. For example, when an incident occurs on an IT system, it is not instantly known to the IT team what… More »

Rob England

Teal Unicorn

Thursday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, ITP

Project Management Was The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to IT: When we impose fixed time, money, and deliverables, which is the classic project management formula, then the only variable available to a project manager is the quality of the outputs. So the moment they encounter anything at variance with the requirements and the business case (which they inevitably will, as… More »

Thursday 1:20pm - 2:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Creating a culture of positive mental health and wellbeing: Mental health and wellbeing experts join those with first-hand experience managing their own mental health to talk about how to ensure a workplace culture that supports mental wellbeing in the tech sector. Featuring clinical psychologist Jacqui Maguire and Mindfulness coach Kerene Strochnetter alongside tech education researcher Caitlin Duncan and IT… More »

Friday 10:50am - 11:20am, itSMFnz

A Four Stage Model For How Organisations Adopt DevOps: The adoption of DevOps is gaining traction in many businesses, both large and small. The "unicorn" organisations that do DevOps from Day One can plunge right in. For we "horses" that deal with legacy systems and practices, we have to evolve by stages towards a DevOps ideal. As organisations ease… More »

Robyn Kamira

Founder, Incredible Skies

Thursday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

Incredible Skies - Activating Drone Tech Development in NZ / Aotearoa: Globally, UAV (drone) technologies are developing at a rapid pace. Yet, autonomous BVLOS (beyond visual line of sight) use cases are hindered by regulations worldwide, that slow down advancements largely due to security concerns. Terrorism. New Zealand's Civil Aviation Authority regulations are considered progressive. The CAA has created a regulatory… More »

Rohan MacMahon

Wollemi Consulting

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

How to Turbo-Charge ICT in NZ’s Regions: New Zealand’s ICT sector is growing and faces a skills shortage. At the same time, a number of regions are struggling economically and have unemployment well above the national average. This presentation will provide an analysis of these regional differences, and look at options to turn such disparities into opportunities… More »

Sadia Afrin

Student, Manukau Institute of Technology

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, CITRENZ

A Prototype Robot as an Example of Creative Repurposing of Accessible Technologies: This paper presents a prototype for a “robot” device to demonstrate that advanced functionality is achievable by utilising even a low-end smartphone’s capabilities. Through a standard client-server architecture implemented using HTML, JavaScript, .Net Core and SQL Server, the robot achieves five innovative functions: remote control, location tracking, video streaming, motion… More »

Sam Jarman

Software Developer, Bank of New Zealand

Friday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, ITP

Start Your Career Right: Starting off your software development career, especially if it's your first career, can be tough. There is so much to learn, more than just syntax of code! This talk, aimed at junior, intermediate or even senior developers(!) covers some of the key tricks to a successful career, such as finding… More »

Sam Mann

Professor of Information Technology, Otago Polytechnic

Friday 11:30am - 12:40pm, CITRENZ

Postgraduate Study at Polytechnics in NZ: Where We Are? What are the Challenges? Where do we go?: The panel will discuss the postgraduate programmes at NZ polytechnics from two perspectives: domestic and international. The discussion for both programmes for domestic and international students will include types of the programmes (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas) and the research component in these programmes. We will discuss what we… More »

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Choosing, Mentoring and Assessing Team Work in Computing Education: Information Technology industry employers consistently stress the need for graduates to have the ability to work effectively in teams. However, most computing curricula places emphasis on a student’s own work. Graduate attributes stress the need for students to have good teamwork and communication skills. Group work/teamwork is one way that… More »

Sam Muirhead

Friday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, NZOSS

Design by Committing, not by Committee - Open Source Collaboration in the Arts: By now, Open Source has proven itself as a highly effective methodology for collaborative creation and adaptation of software... but why should its benefits be confined to just software? Sam Muirhead has been grappling with this question for many years and has come to focus on open source in design,… More »

Samuel Ekundayo

Lecturer, School of Computing, Eastern Institute of Technology

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Modelling Tertiary Students' Flow Experience In A Mobile Learning Environment: Mobile learning (m-learning) has gained increasing popularity with the advent of internet technology and ubiquity of mobile devices - these new technologies have enriched mobility in terms of students' engagement with learning seamlessly. Recently, the use of mobile devices for educationally related purposes has been on the increase among the… More »

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Choosing, Mentoring and Assessing Team Work in Computing Education: Information Technology industry employers consistently stress the need for graduates to have the ability to work effectively in teams. However, most computing curricula places emphasis on a student’s own work. Graduate attributes stress the need for students to have good teamwork and communication skills. Group work/teamwork is one way that… More »

Sanjay D'Souza

Senior Project Manager, Catalyst

Friday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

Life Events: Transforming Government Online Service Delivery: Service delivery is moving away from simple supplier relationships to ecosystems that connect people. Increasingly, people expect to ‘consume’ public services in the same way and to the same standard as when they interact with digital services in their everyday lives. The New Zealand government wants public services to be… More »

Sanjeev NC

Solution Architect, Freshworks

Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, itSMFnz

Selfless Service - A Service Management mindset to improve User Experience: Organisations are investing so much in Self Service portals only to find that users prefer calling and email the service desk. Self Service portal adoption continues to be a problem in IT. If we hope to take Service Management to other departments in our organisations, customer experience becomes even more… More »

Sarah Snell

Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, CITRENZ

Divers IT y: Putting Gender on the Agenda: Diversity creates a more productive, creative and dynamic society, with the Information Technology (IT) industry being one that offers opportunities for innovative, challenging, collaborative, and creative careers. While the diversity issue is not just confined to gender, the low representation of women in the IT industry is at the forefront… More »

Scott Morton

Whitirea Polytechnic

Wednesday 2:30pm - 3:00pm, CITRENZ

Is Change on The Horizon For Maori and Pacific Female High School Students’ When It Comes To ICT.: This paper explores some of the factors that discourage participation of Maori and Pacific girls in ICT in New Zealand. Despite many ICT job opportunities, there has been a steady decrease in the percentage of girls, especial Maori and Pacific girls, entering into ICT study and pursuing ICT careers. This… More »

Shane Hastie


Wednesday 12:20pm - 12:50pm, Agile Day

Being Agile in a Remote Team: In this interactive session, Shane discusses his experience working in a distributed, virtual organization which is founded on an Agile Mindset. The challenges of maintaining agility when remote, the ways the ICAgile team have consciously designed their team and organization culture and provide actionable advice based on real experience on… More »

Shannon Thomas

Communications, IBM New Zealand

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, ITP

AI And its Role in The Digital Future of New Zealand: Artificial intelligence is here. It’s now in the real world, used by businesses of all shapes and sizes, all around the globe - and it is squarely on the agenda of both technology and business executives in New Zealand. AI platforms like IBM Watson understand the world in the way… More »

Shelly Davies

Rockstar Writer-Trainer

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, TechCommNZ

Even techie peeps can write like humans (and why you freaking should!): Rockstar writer and trainer Shelly Davies can help everyone, no matter how techie, connect with other… More »

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, TechCommNZ

Unconference with TechCommNZ : Gather with Tony Self, Shelly Davies, and Doug Kim - decide what you want to talk about, exchange ideas, and just freewheel TechCommNZ… More »

Stephanie Day

Learning Designer, TANZ eCampus

Thursday 10:40am - 11:10am, CITRENZ

Digital Divide Experiences from the Chatham Islands: The digital divide can be represented by the gap between those who have the infrastructure, resources, and skills to participate fully in the digital era and those who do not. This may be due to differences in socio-economic status, gender, life stage, urban and rural living, and geographical remoteness. The… More »

Sue McLean

Shared Services Manager, Transpower

Friday 10:50am - 12:00pm, ITP

PANEL: Where are all the women? Practical advice on supporting women to be successful: Only 23% of the Digital Technology workforce in New Zealand are women. Only 3% of 15 year old kiwi girls even want a career in our industry and globally a staggering 40% of women with STEM degrees leave their careers behind never to return. The New Zealand Government have a… More »

Sunitha Prabhu

Waikato Institute of Technology

Wednesday 11:00am - 11:30am, CITRENZ

Comprehensive learning incorporating Ako – A Tertiary Education Approach at Wintec: This article outlines the design and implementation of a scenario-based approach to teaching and learning in tertiary education, inspired from Ako, adopted at the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). This learning approach, titled ‘Comprehensive Learning (CL)’, aligns with the holistic objective of enabling students with an active, flexible, personalised, authentic… More »

Terry Chapman

General Manager, Axenic

Friday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, ITP

How To Get That Next Big Pay Rise (or soft skills for techos): Many consultants and architects are finding that their careers are starting to 'top out' - there seems to be a glass ceiling that is difficult to break through. Competition for more senior roles is high and being the smartest person in the room is no longer enough. What is the… More »

Thomas Hartley

Eastern Institute of Technology

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, CITRENZ

Comparison of Windows and Linux as Docker Hosts: Containerization is a new approach to virtualization in software development and deployment. Docker is the most popular containerization solution and will is used in this research. The installation methods for both Windows and Linux are examined. Different container types and system compatibilities are compared and presented. Costs of both solutions… More »

Tom Maasland


Thursday 11:20am - 11:50am, ITP

Technology Systems Transformations - Lessons Learned from a Legal Perspective: Tom will discuss how the legal function can contribute to successful outcomes in technology transformation projects. This is based on lessons learned from a number of transactions he and his team have been involved in, in recent times. The topic areas covered will be as follows: • Who should make… More »

Tony Clear

Associate Professor, Auckland University of Technology

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, CITRENZ

Choosing, Mentoring and Assessing Team Work in Computing Education: Information Technology industry employers consistently stress the need for graduates to have the ability to work effectively in teams. However, most computing curricula places emphasis on a student’s own work. Graduate attributes stress the need for students to have good teamwork and communication skills. Group work/teamwork is one way that… More »

Tony Krzyzewski

SAM for Compliance Ltd

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, ITP

Cybersecurity: The Center for Internet Security & The Global Cyber Alliance - Making a Difference: Tony Krzyzewski is an active participant in the work of both the Center for Internet Security with the development of the CIS Controls and the Global Cyber Alliance in their global campaign to reduce the impact of cybersecurity-related crime. In this presentation Tony talks about the work underway as the… More »

Tony O'Halloran

Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, Agile Day

"I know better", “That’s not the Agile way” and other signs you may be wasting your time...: Being an Agile change agent can often feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. Have you ever felt like you’re pushing, instead of having knowledge and support pulled from you? Have you ever felt that the ‘Agile’ you’re championing is completely different from the ‘Agile’ your organisa<on is pushing for?… More »

Tony Self


Friday 10:50am - 11:20am, TechCommNZ

That’ll Never Happen: Impossible Documentation: The products of technical communication – are manuals, Help systems, user guides – are created using authoring tools that are decades old. And although many of those products are delivered on mobile devices, many are delivered using centuries-old paper technologies, or as PDFs. The applications and services that they document… More »

Friday 3:20pm - 4:30pm, TechCommNZ

Unconference with TechCommNZ : Gather with Tony Self, Shelly Davies, and Doug Kim - decide what you want to talk about, exchange ideas, and just freewheel TechCommNZ… More »

Trevor Nesbit

Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Ara Institute of Canterbury

Wednesday 11:40am - 12:10pm, CITRENZ

Use of Facebook to Enhance Student Engagement in Undergraduate Higher Education: Many researchers have commented on the extent of the suitability of Facebook as a means of interaction between students and staff in higher education. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an initial exploration of this topic amongst undergraduate students. This research is an extension of two earlier pieces… More »

Tristan Boot

Consultant, FortyTwo Consulting

Friday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, itSMFnz

The Holy Grail - A Trilogy in 4 Parts: With the DevOps Tsunami hitting us from all sides it would be easy to forget that there is still a place for good old service management practices, and in fact that they are potentially more important than ever. The trick is to lift ourselves out the mistaken idea that by… More »

Victoria Maclennan

Managing Director, OptimalBI

Friday 10:50am - 12:00pm, ITP

PANEL: Where are all the women? Practical advice on supporting women to be successful: Only 23% of the Digital Technology workforce in New Zealand are women. Only 3% of 15 year old kiwi girls even want a career in our industry and globally a staggering 40% of women with STEM degrees leave their careers behind never to return. The New Zealand Government have a… More »

Zlatko Horvat

ITSM Solution Architect, Service Dynamics

Wednesday 4:00pm - 4:30pm, itSMFnz

What should you tell your boss about Software Asset Management (SAM)? : One of the main aspects of IT Asset Management, also known as ITAM is Software Asset Management (SAM). It has seen a large increase in demand and interest in its services in recent years. SAM is particularly important for medium to large corporations in regard to redistribution of licenses and… More »

Zlatko Kovačić

Associate Professor, Statistics and Research Methods, Open Polytechnic

Friday 12:10pm - 12:40pm, ITP

NZ's IT Professionals Up Close - Results from the World IT Project: This talk outlines the results of the New Zealand part of the World IT Project, a 40 country survey of IT professionals. What are the top organisational and individual issues faced by IT workers? How do different industries compare, and what part do factors such as career stage influence workers'… More »