Keynotes and Speakers for ITx 2018
ICT Partner, Russell McVeagh
Mei Fern Johnson is a specialist ICT partner at Russell McVeagh, one of New Zealand's leading law firms.
She has more than 15 years of experience advising on ICT and technology contracting and implementation, working with technology-dependent corporates, government and public sector clients who are being disrupted by innovation.
You may thrive with technology or use technology as a defensive tool – either way, the speed at which technology is evolving means we are all constantly introducing new technology innovation into our organisations to keep up with what's next.
In this presentation, technology lawyers Mei Fern Johnson and Chris Curran will take you through the top 5 things you'll need to know when implementing new technology, from a legal perspective:
1. Fundamentals of development and implementation of new technology
2. Intellectual Property use and rights to develop; as well as exclusivity/non-competes
3. Cybersecurity – including cyber insurance
4. Privacy and confidentiality
5. When things go wrong – and how to manage this.
The presenters' insights, gained through their extensive and practical experience working on New Zealand's most complex, challenging and high-profile ICT and technology matters, will help you bring experience, expertise, commerciality, and the ability to explain complex concepts simply, to your projects and businesses.